9/255 George Street,
Sydney NSW 2000
02 9221 4066
The JANA Alternatives Trust is a multi-manager portfolio designed to incorporate investments that have diversified return drivers to equities and bonds. The Trust holds several underlying investment strategies that generate their returns via access to non-traditional market return drivers and strategies that rely on manager skill.
The Trust provide exposure to relatively liquid strategies which focus on a range of relative value and directional investment strategies, where return outcomes are more dependent on manager skill than market beta. In addition, investments could include emerging asset classes. The Trust will aim to generate returns that are not dependent on equity or bond market performance.
Outperform the Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index plus 3% p.a. (after fees and expenses) over rolling 3 year periods. In addition to the return objective, the Trust will seek to provide low correlation and low to moderate volatility relative to equity markets (referable to the MSCI World Index Hedged into AUD).
as at 31 December 2024
9/255 George Street,
Sydney NSW 2000
02 9221 4066
18/140 William Street,
Melbourne VIC 3000
03 9602 5400