9/255 George Street,
Sydney NSW 2000
02 9221 4066
The JANA High Alpha Global Share Trust is a multi-manager strategy that currently consists of five concentrated portfolios, each with differing investment styles. The strategy utilises investment managers who build portfolios based on high conviction ideas. As a result, performance can deviate significantly from benchmark at times.
Invests predominantly in a diversified portfolio of global shares. Currency exposure is substantially unhedged.
Outperform the MSCI All Country World Index (Ex Australia) Net Dividends Reinvested expressed in AUD (before fees and expenses) over rolling 5 year periods.
as at 30 June 2024.
9/255 George Street,
Sydney NSW 2000
02 9221 4066
18/140 William Street,
Melbourne VIC 3000
03 9602 5400