9/255 George Street,
Sydney NSW 2000
02 9221 4066
The JANA Select Exclusions Global Share Trust aims to exclude shares in companies with meaningful involvement in certain activities (as determined by JANA), utilising an active benchmark relative management strategy.
For further information in relation to the process to manage the exclusions and how they operate, please see the Information Memorandum.
Invests predominantly in a diversified portfolio of global shares. Currency exposure is substantially unhedged. Aims to exclude shares in companies with meaningful involvement in activities (determined by JANA) including, but not limited to:
Outperform the MSCI All Country World Index Net Dividends Reinvested expressed in AUD (before fees and expenses) over rolling 5 year periods.
as at 31 December 2024.
9/255 George Street,
Sydney NSW 2000
02 9221 4066
18/140 William Street,
Melbourne VIC 3000
03 9602 5400